New Schools

Our School Projects

Olancho Aid

Jenna spent parts of several summers working with Olancho Aid in Julticalpa Honduras working with the children there. It was our great pleasure to help Olancho Aid complete the Santa Clara School in our first year. The children of the Santa Clara School and Olancho Aid made a very moving video of the school’s construction and of Jenna. You can see the video at

Students Helping Honduras

In the past  Jenna’s cousin Nina has worked with the University Of South Carolina Chapter Of Students Helping Honduras in the communities of Los Castanos and Villa Soleada. One Angel was able to provide financial support dedicated to helping build new schools in those communities. Nina reported: “It was awesome to work with the wonderful volunteers and the people of Villa Soleada and Los Castanos” We hope to continue our support of this wonderful organization that brings new schools to the poorest of communities